Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Mecca of Art Supplies

Very tired from the big storm we've had here the past couple of days. Art didn't last long yesterday with everyone wanting to get home for a rest after a sleepless night of wind listening. Despite this I managed to complete blocking the background colours in on one of Gleny's commissions which I was happy about. Also picked up two entry forms for exhibitions coming up. Our open day in a couple of weeks for which I have nothing completed and also the Art Hawkes Bay exhibition but work doesn't have to be in for this until late January.

Two big excitements this week were getting a call from Electra on Monday to say that they're happy to sell my handpainted jewellery and rocks! Not only that but when Jacqueline arrived yesterday she told me a pendant had sold already. The other big excitement was a trip to Humanities Books on Tuesday. This Hastings shop stocks fine art books and a whole range of supplies even down to sealing wax! Entering it is almost like having a religious experience as you look up at shelves and shelves of paint, solvents, name it they stock it. However I was strong and didn't go for a wander as I knew I would be tempted. Instead I only replaced the acrylics I was nearly out of although I did splash out on a new shade of yellow called Naples. This is a softer buttery shade than I usually use and when mixed with ultramarine and a little white makes a beautiful shade of turquoise which is what I was after. I am definitely going back there but not until I have some cash in hand or a rich sugar daddy- which ever comes first.


Jen and family said...

Well Done and CONGRATUILATIONS re the call from Electra

jen at

damask22 said...

Thanks Jen. I was thrilled.