Thursday, October 02, 2008

Rob Guest, The Law Of Attraction and the CD

Heard today that Rob Guest died last night aged 57 from a stroke. I remember him way back when he used to sing pop songs on variety programmes here in NZ. The past few years though he has gone back to theatre and starred in Les Mis and Phantom both of which played here to great acclaim.

I've spent the last week getting over my shock news from the landlord. Every time I felt stressed I would go outside and chip away at the Oamaru stone marquette I'm meant to be finishing for my TLC course. Yesterday however was art day at Otane. I didn't think I would be able to concentrate on sketching but it turned out to be a good session as we had two young girls as models. Olivia is the granddaughter of one of our members and had modelled for us before. However being school holidays she had a friend staying with her and so they both posed rather self consciously with quite alot of giggling. It was interesting to try and capture their different facial features as one girl had a more oval face. This image is one of two twenty minute sketches I completed that I was fairly satisfied with.

Tuesday I collected the CD Radio Kidnappers had made of my interview two weeks ago. Lent it to Gine who was working the day of the broadcast and she and Gay listened to it in the car on their way to art. They were very positive about the whole thing which was a relief as I wasn't too sure how I would come across on radio.

I am currently reading "The Law Of Attraction" by Esther and Jerry Hicks. It was a precursor to the popular "The Secret" philosophy which an online friend put me onto nearly two years ago. Where it really helps though is that it just doesn't tell you to think positively but gives practical advice about how to rid yourself of negative thoughts and explains how emotions play a huge role in attracting experiences into our lives. It definitely has helped calm me at the moment, allowing me to visualise the place where I want to live rather than thinking of all the difficulties that I could encounter finding it. After a childhood of being taught to "think the worst as then you won't get a nasty shock when it happens" it's good to realise that you don't have to live in a world of negativity and doubt and that you have more control over your life than you think.

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