Saturday, October 07, 2006

ATCs Versus ACEOs

I had no idea that there was some controversy over artists selling ATCs (Artists Trading Cards) as ACEOs (Art Cards Editions and Originals) on Ebay. These small cards are 2.5" by 3.5" in size and were originally conceived as small original works of art artists could swap with each other. However a few took it further and began selling them albeit under another name as ACEOs. It now seems a few ATC purists resent this and feel these artists are cashing in on the growing trend.

It's really sad when artists begin bashing each other, even saying that art should not be sold. How would the rest of us get on if we couldn't sell our work? I for one don't want to be a starving artist. A better overview of the situation can be found on Emily Dimov-Gottshall's blog.

I've sold a couple of ACEOs on Ebay and swapped a couple with artists on Zen After Hours which is one of my favourite Yahoo groups. I honestly feel people appreciate your art a lot more if they have to pay for it. Whenever I've given work away there's been either a deafening silence or else a luke warm reaction which is why I don't like doing it anymore. Plus I have to eat!

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